Well I started Insanity on Monday. It is so hard, but so awesome! I actually really enjoy it, even though I swear I am going to drop dead by the end. My whole body hurts, but it makes me feel so good. I love Shaun T, he is so motivating. It's a 60 day program, but I will have to do it at least 3 times to get results because I am that out of shape. Treysen does it with me. He always says "mom is it almost over, I am getting tired." It is so cute to watch him do it. Blair and I really want to go on vacation, somewhere tropical, at the end of the summer so I really need to get in shape so I can wear a swimsuit. I would also love to get a whole new wardrobe, which Blair has promised to me if I reach my goal weight. So I have plenty of incentive to stick to this program. Speaking of insanity/being insane, I signed up to run a half marathon a few months ago. The race is on March 17th, a little more than 3 weeks away. The thought of that gives me major anxiety! A couple of weeks ago I ran 6 miles, and could not move for several days after. I was thinking how am I going to make it 13.1 miles if I can't even move after just 6 miles. That is not even half way. It is definitely going to be a challenge, but I am going to give it all I got!! I'm hoping Insanity will help with my endurance. I will keep you posted on my progress. Wish me luck!!